bone broth

What are the benefits of bone broth?

Croatian families have been consuming bone broth for-Ever. Typically, if you enter a Croatian home on a Saturday morning you will smell ‘goveda juha” (beef broth) slowing simmering on the stove top. When I was a young girl I remember my Mother telling me the importance of juha, but I quickly dismissed her and thought this flavoured water was boring.

Of course, it wasn’t unlit I noticed a trend in the food blog scene that I found myself leaning in and listening. Turns out there’s a lot of health benefits and nutrients in the bones and tissues of the animals that make up a tasty broth.

According to Medical News Today, bones themselves are rich in vitamins and nutrients like calcium. magnesium and phosphorous. Also, brewing the connective tissue’s into bone broth provides the body with natural compounds from the cartilage. Cooking collagen turns it to gelatin which provides the body with amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins.

The Canadian Digestive Health Foundation, states that bone broth is great for gut health. The nutrients in bone broth, collagen, glycine and glutamine, have all been shown to sooth gut irritation and inflammation.

Traveling to Croatia, especially the countryside you will find Juha on most menus. It’s a great way to start your meal as it has a low glycemic index, which helps to control blood pressure and insulin. Plus, it gives your skin a beautiful glow and your body a burst of energy. Simply request bone broth without noddles for a lowcarb or gluten free option.

So if you’re traveling to Croatia this summer remember to “Ladle Up” on the Juha-aka Liquid Gold- your gut and skin will thank you.